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BallstonConnect Podcast

Nov 2, 2022

It’s more than fair to say ARLnow has become a commanding presence within the Arlington community, and one of the premiere voices across our region. It’s almost a sure bet that you’ve read (or at least shared) some of their coverage - over the past decade plus. As one of the country’s leading Designated Market Areas, our region is one of the most engaged and captive  media audiences in the world. But with evermore increasing national influence, our market has opened doors for local coverage from dedicated teams like the one behind ARLnow.

Scott Brodbeck is founder, editor, and publisher of Local News Now - which empowers local creators and builds a new model for community-driven, local journalism. In January 2010, he launched ARLnow, connecting hundreds of thousands of Arlingtonians, neighbors, and visitors to the news on our streets. More than a decade later, LNN publishes ARLnow, ALXnow and FFXnow. They also provide services to a growing community of partner sites including PoPville, GGWash, Potomac Local and Lake & McHenry County Scanner.