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BallstonConnect Podcast

Sep 1, 2022

If you’re in Ballston - stop, and look up! Our neighborhood is an urban oasis with neighborhood services, restaurants, retail, and office. And ALL those buildings towering above us are home to what makes our almost 24/7/365 community run. Chances are, one of those buildings is owned by The Shooshan Company; a local developer and community supporter for decades. They’ve imagined, executed, and managed some of the most impactful properties in Ballston, Arlington, and beyond.

Kevin Shooshan, Principal at The Shooshan Company, champions all of its leasing and marketing information. With a history of managing tenant design and construction, securing major deals like GSA headquarters, and research analysis, he’s the perfect person to connect businesses with their perfect fit community (that’s us in Ballston). From office leasing to retail transactions, he’s had a hand in some of the most recognizable and well-patronized businesses in Ballston.