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BallstonConnect Podcast

Jul 26, 2022

*This episode has been reposted from 6/15 to correct a technical error and to address the closing of the public comment period for the Ballston West Metro Entrance*

Ballston’s multi-modal transportation options - combined with ease of bike and walk-ability - have positioned our neighborhood as one of the region’s most accessible areas. And with improvements to our metro, bus stations, and sidewalks - it’s getting even better with time. One proposed project in particular could drastically improve metro access and reimagine how the Ballston neighborhood flows in its continued growth and expansion: the Ballston West Metro Entrance.

Robin McElhenny is the Transit Capital Program Manager at Arlington County. She leads the Capital Program Section of the Transportation Bureau overseeing the implementation of the County’s transit capital improvement program. She plays a key leadership role in multi-year capital improvement priority-setting, project development, and implementation for transit infrastructure projects of local and regional significance.